Tuesday, 6 August 2013

How to Make Fried Potatoes

Hi, this time I will share a little bit different because the information I will share information about how where how to cook french fries, of course, French fries are healthy and not too much fat, because if most of our body fat will be overweight or obese, certainly not would not you are overweight, by because it do not eat too much and kept her healthy diet.

So how where how to make French Fries are healthy for the body, potatoes are actually very healthy if taken properly, but if consumed in excess it out for yourself right result? yes your body will experience excess entry, right from the giddy better we cook this delicious French Fries, let's watch her recipes

Materials needed:

  • U.S. potatoes taste great, long pieces
  • Salt to taste
  • Ice cubes to taste (for soaking)
  • Corn flour to taste
  • Water taste

How to Make Fried Potatoes

  1. Take a large container and a first input of clean water and sprinkle salt, soak the potatoes for 30 menitan in the brine
  2. Then insert ice cubes to taste, let stand for 30 menitan again (or input to the refrigerator too cold let me add)
  3. Remove potatoes and drain, (in order to completely dry, store in large nampah, drying)
  4. Furthermore sprinkle potato French Fries with cornstarch, allow approximately 20 minutes, all swathed usahan
  5. Prepare a lot of hot oil and fry the potatoes until cooked brown, remove finished.

Ingredients and Benefits of Potatoes for health
Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals
Potatoes are one of the food sources of starch, vitamins, minerals and fiber. 100 g potato contained 70 calories (but only a little fat, about 0.1 g per100 g) and cholesterol.

Sources potato soluble and insoluble fiber which is good
Potatoes are the natural source of soluble fiber and insoluble as well as the good. Dietary fiber is found in potatoes, helps prevent constipation, reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol and lower bad LDL cholesterol. In addition, the fiber will also help protect against colon polyps and cancer diseases.

Helps digestion and diabetics
Fibers contained in the starch helps digestion by helping the absorption of simple sugars in the intestine. Thus potatoes can help to keep blood sugar levels to keep it in the normal range and avoids fluctuations. For that reason as potatoes have a good source of carbohydrates for people with diabetes.

Potatoes source of the vitamin B complex
Tubers are a source of the vitamin B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B6), thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, and folate.

Potatoes are rich in antioxidants
Fresh potato with skin is a source of antioxidants of vitamins, namely vitamin-C. 100 g of fresh tuber yield 11.4 mg, or 20% of the required daily level vitaminC. Consuming foods rich in vitamin-C helps the body maintain immunity to infection and the effects of free radicals.

Potatoes contain a lot of minerals
Potatoes also contain many essential minerals such as iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium.

Potatoes are rich in vitamin A
Red and reddish colored potatoes contain a good amount of vitamin A, and flavonoid antioxidants such as carotenoids and zeaxanthins.

Potatoes contain an anti-cancer compound
Recent research results announced by the agricultural research service, showed that the antioxidant flavonoids, quercetin on potato has anti-cancer and cardio-protective properties.

Nutritional content of potatoes is more detailed. Nutritional values ​​per 100 g.
(Source: USDA)

  • Energy 70 Kcal 3.5%
  • Carbohydrates 15.90 g 12%
  • Protein 1.89 g 3%
  • 00:10 g Total Fat 0.5%
  • Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
  • Dietary Fiber 2.5 g 7%
  • Vitamin
  • Folate 18mcg 4.5%
  • Niacin 1.149 mg 7%
  • 0.279 mg Pantothenic acid 6%
  • 0.239 mg pyridoxine 18%
  • Riboflavin 0.038 mg 3%
  • Thiamin 0.081 mg 7%
  • Vitamin A IU 7 <1%
  • Vitamin C 11.4 mg 20%
  • Vitamin K 2.9 mcg 2.5% Electrolytes
  • Sodium 6 mg 0.4%
  • Potassium 455 mg 10%
  • Mineral
  • Calcium 10 mg 1%
  • Iron 0.73 mg 9%
  • Magnesium 22mg 5.5%
  • Manganese 0.141mg 6%
  • Phosphorus 61 mg 9%
  • 0:33 mg 3% Zinc
  • Phyto-nutrients
  • ß-carotene-4 mcg -
  • Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 mcg -
  • Lutein-zeaxanthin 21 mcg -

Selecting and storing potatoes
Look for potato tubers with good texture, intact and have a smooth surface layer of the skin, not dry. Ummnya has many "eyes" on its surface. Avoid potatoes that feels soft in the hand, with a lot of scars, or bruises

Maybe you've encountered the potato surface there is a greenish discoloration, and with growing shoots across the surface. Do not buy potatoes that under such conditions, because of the color change is indicative of potatoes that are too long and there has been a toxic alkaloid solanine formation.

Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dry and dark. Exposure to sunlight and excessive moisture will cause the potatoes to grow and form a toxic alkaloid solanine.

Preparation before processing potatoes
As root, potatoes often experience infestations, therefore wash thoroughly before cooking. Fresh potato tubers that have been cleaned can be enjoyed along with the skin, to get the benefits of fiber and vitamins.

Potato dish served in a variety of ways:
Can be a way of processing potatoes peeled and cut into pieces, usually to make vegetable soup. Potatoes can also be consumed after peeled, boiled, and made cakes, pompano and even potatoes.

Potato side effects to health
Potatoes may contain alkaloids, solanine and chaconine are toxic. These alkaloids are concentrated in the largest quantities just below the skin, and can result in proportional increase of age and sun exposure. Potatoes are cooked at high temperatures (over 170 ° C), will most likely destroy most toxic substances.

As a result of these toxic substances, when consumed in sufficient quantities can cause headaches, weakness, muscle cramps, and, even in some cases can cause loss of consciousness and severe koma.Nnamun not too worried, because poisoning from potatoes occurs very rarely. Exposure to light and air will cause the potatoes to green color change, and this can be used as a visual clue as potato tubers may have more toxins. However, this does not provide definitive guidance, as a greenish color and solanine accumulation can occur independently of each other. Some varieties of potato contain greater concentrations of solanine, rather than the other potato varieties.

Okay that was my info on how to make french fries and health for our bodies, that's all okay and thanks in advance.

1 comment:

  1. Syukur ALHAMDULILLAH hal yang tidak pernah terbayankan dan tidak pernah terpikirkan kalau saya bisa seperti ini,mungkin dulu saya adalah orang yang paling termiskin didunia,karna pekerjaan saya cuma pemulun dan pendapatan saya tidak bisa mengcukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya dan suatu saat kami kumpul baren sesama pemulun dan ada teman saya yg berkata,ada dukun yang bisa menembus semua nomor yg namanya MBAH KABOIRENG dan saya meminta nomor MBAH KABOIRENG pada teman saya,dan tanpa banyak pikir saya langsun menghubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan alhamdulillah dgn senang hati MBAH KABOIRENG ingin membantu saya asalkan saya bisa memenuhi pendaftaran untuk masuk member,dan saya dibantu dalam 5x putaran dan alhamdulillah itu semuanya benar benar terbukti tembus,saya sangat berterimah kasih banyak kepada MBAH KABOIRENG berkat bantuan beliau,sekaran saya sdh mau membuka usaha untuk masa depan kami dan sankin senannya saya tidak bisa mengunkapkan dengan kata kata,bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungiMBAH KABOIRENG di 0823~2221~2111 MBAH KABOIRENG memang para normal yg paling terhebat dan tidak seperti para normal yg lainnya yg kerjanya cuma bisa menguras uang orang,jika ada yang memakai atau mengambil pesan ini tanpa ada nama MBAH KABOIRENG dan nomor beliau itu cuma penipuan dan itu cuma palsu,,ingat kesempatan tidak datang untuk kedua kalinya. KLIK TOGEL JITU DISINI

    Syukur ALHAMDULILLAH hal yang tidak pernah terbayankan dan tidak pernah terpikirkan kalau saya bisa seperti ini,mungkin dulu saya adalah orang yang paling termiskin didunia,karna pekerjaan saya cuma pemulun dan pendapatan saya tidak bisa mengcukupi kebutuhan keluarga saya dan suatu saat kami kumpul baren sesama pemulun dan ada teman saya yg berkata,ada dukun yang bisa menembus semua nomor yg namanya MBAH KABOIRENG dan saya meminta nomor MBAH KABOIRENG pada teman saya,dan tanpa banyak pikir saya langsun menghubungi MBAH KABOIRENG dan alhamdulillah dgn senang hati MBAH KABOIRENG ingin membantu saya asalkan saya bisa memenuhi pendaftaran untuk masuk member,dan saya dibantu dalam 5x putaran dan alhamdulillah itu semuanya benar benar terbukti tembus,saya sangat berterimah kasih banyak kepada MBAH KABOIRENG berkat bantuan beliau,sekaran saya sdh mau membuka usaha untuk masa depan kami dan sankin senannya saya tidak bisa mengunkapkan dengan kata kata,bagi anda yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungiMBAH KABOIRENG di 0823~2221~2111 MBAH KABOIRENG memang para normal yg paling terhebat dan tidak seperti para normal yg lainnya yg kerjanya cuma bisa menguras uang orang,jika ada yang memakai atau mengambil pesan ini tanpa ada nama MBAH KABOIRENG dan nomor beliau itu cuma penipuan dan itu cuma palsu,,ingat kesempatan tidak datang untuk kedua kalinya. KLIK TOGEL JITU DISINI
